Tuesday, May 12, 2015



 11 pounds of lamb meat cut in portions
 - red wine
- much dill cut finely
 - suet (optionally)
 - salt
 - pepper
 - vine-twigs
 - tinfoil or oil paper (according to where you are going to cook it)


Wash out the meat with red wine. Put salt and pepper on it and powder all the portions with dill. Put on the bottom of the mastelo (special ceramic utensil for this specific dish without a cover) the vine-twigs crosswise forming a grid. Put the pieces of meat over the wine-twigs. Optionally, you can cover the pieces of meat with suet at the end of the process. Spray the food with 1 ½ - 2 wine glasses of red wine (if it is clear, you can use the wine that we used to wash off the meat). Cover the utensil with tinfoil and use a fork or a knife to make small holes on it. Put it in the wood oven for 4 ½ to 5 hours!
ADVICE If you want to cook the food in an electric oven, make it cook for an hour at 200 degrees and then continue cooking it at 100 degrees. If you are going to use an electric oven cover the food with oil paper instead of tinfoil and do not open any holes on it! Many people put under the wine-twigs potatoes powdered with salt and pepper cut exactly the way you cut the potatoes to make roast meat!

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